Archives for category: Articles

This Muay Thai fight between Sakmongkol and Jongsanan is one of the greatest fights ever seen. In this bout both fighters who met in total 5 times, are having an elbow battle, both are taking full blown elbows and are still standing, those 2 fighters are real warriors. After seeing this bout its easy to understand why these fighters were top ranks in their days. Sakmongkol still fights this days most recently in a Karate Bout. To all the Muay Thai lovers enjoy this great fight, and let me know your views!

Thai Boxing, Dany Bill, Muay Thai, Muay Thai Legend

Dany Bill  is a Cameroonian born, french Muay Thai Fighter. He was 7th time Muay thai world champion, and beat several of the best fighters in the world. He was know for his great pure Muay Thai technique and vision in the ring. He was a great inspiration for me when i started kick boxing at 14 in Paris, having been raised in Paris himself.  He fought one of the best if the not the best foreign fighter the legend Ramon “Diamond” Dekkers (R.I.P).  In a great Muay Thai fight which he won by unanimous decision. A great joy to watch to perfect your technique and a legend of muay thai.


Muay Thai

Muay Thai (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Whilst looking for training ways, I came across an interesting article on Kyokushinkai Karate Morning Trainig. The infamous morning training. Which is a very though Morning training but provide excellent results. This Traning was followed by Hajime Kazumi  who won several tournament due to his excellent low kicks, and also achieved the terrible 100 man kumite , where a a fighter complete 100 rounds against different fighters. Only a few fighters have completed this test of physical & mental endurance. This Morning training is an inspiration to push ourselves to the limit as we always learn in our MuayThai gym.

There are a very good informative website on muay thai, such websites are a wealth of information for thai boxers. An Interesting Article can be found on this website, called 5 ways to celebrate your first muay thai win. How to celebrate it is a good question, whether to party after or indulge yourself in forbidden food (Fast food). Its a good article to find an overview of how some fighters celebrate their first win but now a question for you how would you or how will you celebrate your first win?

Last week was a disaster only managed to attend the weekend free sparring due to my Toe injury, having broken a Toe before I just wanted to make sure this one wasn’t not broken. Still managed to do a lot of shadow boxing, press ups, and especially abs having recently found an Article on the infamous morning training session of some of the Kyokushinkai Karate champion, which I felt I could incorporate in my training. On the weekend I therefore went to the free sparring session, started by using the weight but no cardio this time, managed to work a bit more on my chest and also done some squats. Then later on hit the bags both light&heavy and then the speed bag which I never hit before what a good exercise to improve my speed. Then thereafter a sparring session with 3 people including my friend which come later, sparred twice with him saw a slight improvment although my guard was not there, so much in mind that sometimes I even forgot where I am, also a major problem I still got the kick boxing style, although I can give wonderful axe kicks and beautiful spinning kicks, its at the moment quite hard for me to adapt to the Thai boxing style which is something I need to work on very quickly, as i’m getting caught with too many knee kicks. In total 5 sparring session only won 1. well quite annoyed with myself. Still don’t know how I will get used to the Thai boxing style, but I guess I will have to give it time. On Sunday morning decided to work on my cardio, 30 minutes run. Very hard after taking a number of low kicks to my legs. Muay thai style need to be learned and improved how I will need to watch more video of Muay thai fights.

On the saturday I decided to go and train after an awful week I had, my plans were improvement of my stamina and of course to gain power, same session as the week before but this time 18 minutes on the bike, to work on the stamina that always let me down. No pull-ups this time, but lots of abs exercise to compensate this, stronger abs are needed to handle those knee kicks. After an hour I decided to jump on the bags repeating what I learned throughout the week.  Left, right, hooks, uppercut,  also worked a lot on my knee kicks due to my poor techniques with knee kicks. Low kicks, high kicks 20 on each legs. Thereafter my friend came along and I was invited to spar with him, a session in which I miserably lost, was thrown to the ground several times and took a huge number of low kicks. My left thighs felt wobbly and I had difficulty standing on it. Then came my second sparring match, in which I done pretty well against a confirmed champion of the club but whilst giving a low kick I managed to injure my toe, still continued to box and decided to switch my style to boxing and giving middle kicks, managed to catch him with a couple of uppercut and hooks. Next bout of sparring in which I excelled. And to complete the sparring, sparred once again with my friend, again lost the bout. Thereafter clinching where I was taught new techniques. All together 3 hours of training, at the end had to count my bruises,a badly bruised shin,bruised knuckle, bruised elbow, hurt my toe again and of course difficulties walking on my left leg. But still love muay thai, as it helped me once again to push myself to my limit and let me forget my pain whilst sparring.



This is one fight that I will have to have seen Jerome Lebanner which is a big inspiration to me and Badr Hari. Both Kickboxer have tremendous power, and Jerome Lebanner at his prime for me will be my favorite but Badr Hari is quite technical and as huge power, hence the reason this fight will have been quite interesting. But as all kickboxing/Muay Thai fan know, Badr Hari has problem with his discipline which sometimes as let him down you may remember the 2008 K-1 Final, where he kicked Remy Bonjaski on the ground in a match he could have won. My verdict will have been a win for Lebanner on points as he would have kept his cool during the bout.

Buakaw Por. Pramuk, to me, right now one of the greatest Thai boxer on the planet, the first time I watched him box was in the K-1 max and instantly fell for his technique and non stop kicking style, middle kicks, high kicks. His style inspired me so much in my training. Here are some of the wonderful fights of this extremely talented  thaiboxer




One of the Thai boxer that inspired me was Peter Aerts. This dutch Thai boxer called the Lumberjack had a big inspiration in me choosing Kickboxing and then Thai boxing.  His high number of victory with high Kicks, and the fact that he was 3 times K-1 champion during the 80’s made me attracted to the sport.Here are some of his wonderful victories.

Yesterday I felt like my heart was coming out of my chest, it was the hardest day of training I had, warm weather 28C . Jogging for 18 minutes, thereafter stretching, then sparring with partner, thereafter paos combination kicks, punches, knees.  Thereafter sparring in boxing only, managed to injure my hand as I forgot my bandages at home, second time now and hopefully the last. Also got quite hurt by a hook and was dazed a couple seconds, my second sparring session was better as I managed to easily get my sparring partner on the back foot, with body shots and straight lefts. Thereafter 100 press ups and 100 sits ups, done really bad at the press  ups only managed 30!!!! Stamina, stamina need to work on this. After the training I told my little brother on the fone that even my little nephew(who is 5 years old) could right now beat me up. That’s how tired I was. Next week goal improvement on my stamina and physical strenght.