Archives for posts with tag: bag training

On the saturday I decided to go and train after an awful week I had, my plans were improvement of my stamina and of course to gain power, same session as the week before but this time 18 minutes on the bike, to work on the stamina that always let me down. No pull-ups this time, but lots of abs exercise to compensate this, stronger abs are needed to handle those knee kicks. After an hour I decided to jump on the bags repeating what I learned throughout the week.  Left, right, hooks, uppercut,  also worked a lot on my knee kicks due to my poor techniques with knee kicks. Low kicks, high kicks 20 on each legs. Thereafter my friend came along and I was invited to spar with him, a session in which I miserably lost, was thrown to the ground several times and took a huge number of low kicks. My left thighs felt wobbly and I had difficulty standing on it. Then came my second sparring match, in which I done pretty well against a confirmed champion of the club but whilst giving a low kick I managed to injure my toe, still continued to box and decided to switch my style to boxing and giving middle kicks, managed to catch him with a couple of uppercut and hooks. Next bout of sparring in which I excelled. And to complete the sparring, sparred once again with my friend, again lost the bout. Thereafter clinching where I was taught new techniques. All together 3 hours of training, at the end had to count my bruises,a badly bruised shin,bruised knuckle, bruised elbow, hurt my toe again and of course difficulties walking on my left leg. But still love muay thai, as it helped me once again to push myself to my limit and let me forget my pain whilst sparring.



Before I left on Thurday night I was advised by the trainer that on saturday there was free training where we can use the gym and at the same time hit the bags. Very good for me as it was what I needed to improve my physical form, my stamina and of course my kicking and punching power. Upon getting there I started first by running to the gym to get my muscle ready then went on directly to do chin ups, 2 sets of 10 arms wide chin up, 2 sets of  10 close arms chin up and then on to do shoulder press with a weight of 10 Kg to start up with and build a little strenght, then processed to do my arm with a weight of 5 Kg then went on to do my adubctors,  then chest press 2 sets of 20 kg. being a Thai boxer now, I do not want to gain in bulk too much but gain a bit of weight and increase my power. Thereafter hitting the bags, 10 high kicks,left leg, right leg, low kicks 20 each leg, then knees and elbows. after taking a little breather went on to hit the bag as hard as I could for 3 rounds, quite intensive. To finish a little shadowboxing in which I repeated all the techniques learned during the weeks training.

I decided to go back the week after to register and start my lessons, the Training started first skiping  for 10 minutes, something I never been a big fan of due to me not being able to skip. Then jumping around the room, burpees, walking on hands and feet, stretching, and neck excercise. Then 45 minutes training on the bag. elbows and knees combination, plus near the end boxing sparring, then again a clinching exercise but this time managed to do a bit(just a bit)better. At the end neck strenghning exercise. Results body cramps but positively a bit less injury.  Now Strengthening at the weekend, stretching and a bit of weight exercice.